Adversity is a Blessing in Disguise!

Anusha Asif
2 min readJul 4, 2021

Steve Harvey said:

“ All adversity carries a lesson and a blessing.”

So, if I disagree with this assertion, I may be mistaken. Adversity teaches you numerous lessons in life, not just in terms of facts, but also in a variety of other ways. Adversity is commonly referred to be a misfortune, which is strictly correct. However, if we observe and think critically, we will understand the significance of this and why this disaster might be considered a blessing in disguise? here is a quick question for you all.

In my opinion, It is not that easy to take any adversity or any harm in your life easier and get the lessons from that event.. this is just not an easy thing to understand this fact. Believe it or not, but adversity is indeed a blessing in disguise. here are some reasons why is it said so.

  • Adversity teaches us gratitude, It connects you to your God!
  • It makes us realize so many facts about life.
  • It makes you stand still and stronger in unpredictable situations in life.

Every hardship is a blessing in disguise, and we should be aware of this. In every setback, we must remain cheerful and proactive. Life is so unpredictable, and we must remember that we are warriors who must not back down from any challenge. Life is a test, and we must be well prepared for it.

