Are You a Good Listener?

Anusha Asif
2 min readJul 4, 2021

Being a good listener is very important. it tells you a lot about your personality. everyone thinks that they are a good listener, but unfortunately, very rare people know the quality of good listeners and have become rare personality traits these days. Everybody is interested to talk about themselves and only about their lives. Not one wants to fit in other’s shoe.

Good listening skills make your personality better and the world around you will know how empathetic you are. When you listen to others properly you will be able to talk and communicate properly. So, the question that arises here is that how will you tell people that you are a good listener? Well, we will be discussing some ways to tell people that you have the qualities of good listening.

5 ways to tell people that you are a good listener:

Here are 5 ways to find out if you are really a good listener or have been only assuming this in your personality.

1. You’re Present:

when you listen to a person, you are listening to it carefully and the speaker feels that you are present enough. nobody wants to communicate with an absent-minded person.

2. You’re Curious:

A good listener always gets curious about what a speaker is telling them. it is the fact that when when you listen to a person properly it deliberately makes the person listen more and he wants to know more about the discussion and that is among one of the prominent qualities of a good listener.

3. Your Body Language is Always Positive:

your body language tells you more than your tongue. it gives the true messages to the speaker while you’re communicating. the speaker can easily infer from your body language that how much you’re interested in his/her conversation. a good listener’s body language is always positive. he/she never looks around the other way while communicating. they have good eye contact and know how to express their expression to make sure the speaker listens attentively.

4. You’re Patient:

another very important quality of being a good listener is being patient. when you listen to the speaker patiently, you make the person talk comfortably and you’re putting that person in a comfort zone to talk in such a way that he/she feels like they are sharing their pain (could be any feeling).

5. You’re Empathetic:

empathy is the ability to fit yourself in other’s shoes. it makes you feel how that person is feeling and what would you feel if you are in his/her place. being empathetic is another great quality of being a good listener.

I would be glad if you tell me how many characteristics you have in your personality and how good a listener you are? Please tell me in the comments below.

